Head of Department: Ms Hang Si’En
Level Head Science: Mr Wan Bing Khiang
Lead Teacher: Mr Lee Chin Teck
Ms Ling Geok Keng
Ms Ng Shiru
Mdm Joyce Ng
Ms Grace Lee Yuan Ping
Mr Hong Kam Kheun
Dr Jessica Seah Mei Ying
Ms Daphne Khoo Rui Yun
Ms Lim Shan Yan
Mr Bryan Zhishan Yong
Mr Rishvinder Singh
Ms Wang Xiao Hui
Ms Kim Huang Jinjin
Mr Siddiq Suleiman
Mr Tay Yong Wei Kevin
Lab technicians:
Ms Fadilah (TSO)
Ms Nabilah (TSO)
Mdm Lee Suan Eng (OSO)
The Science department aims to inspire Changkateers to learn with passion and be inquisitive in their learning of Science. With the use of Science and Technology, we strive to engage our students in scientific inquiry and provide opportunities for our students to experience the real-world relevance of Science.
Key Programmes:
- Engaging Science Curriculum: Developed by our Professional Learning Teams, our curriculum was enhanced during Full Home-Based Learning and Blended Learning, ensuring engaging and interactive lessons for students.
- Innovative Pedagogy: We incorporate Inquiry-Based Learning and the See-Think-Wonder thinking routine to cultivate curiosity, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning.
- Applied Learning & Interdisciplinary Approach: Our Science curriculum integrates with the school’s Applied Learning Programme (ALP), Student-centered Opportunities for AeRospace Industry (SOAR), which provides students with aviation-related STEM experiences. The Science department also collaborates with other disciplines, such as Craft & Technology, to promote interdisciplinary learning.
- Science Talent Development Programme (TDP): Our TDP nurtures students passionate about Science and STEM, providing opportunities to develop their talents through competitions, research projects, and industry partnerships. Some of the key competitions and programs our students have participated in include:
- Singapore Junior Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Olympiads
- Bi-Annual C.B. Paul Science Quiz
- Temasek Polytechnic Engineering Olympiad
- VJC-SIT Project INSpire 2024 and 2025
Temasek Engineering Olympiad 2024
- 1 Certificate of Commendation
- 1 Bronze Medal
Singapore Junior Chemistry Olympiad
- 1 Bronze Award
Singapore Physic League
- 3 Silver Medal
Singapore Junior Biology Olympiad
- 2 Bronze Medal
SIT-VJC Project INSPiRE 2024
- Top 4
UNSW Global Assessment
- 4 Credit
- 1 Merit
C.B Paul Memorial Quiz
- 1 Gold
- 2 Merit
Singapore Junior Physic Olympiad
- 1 Bronze
- 6 Honourable Mention
ignITE Skills Challenge
- 1st in Robo Challenge
Singapore Youth Science Festival
- Certificate of Commendation
UNSW Global Assessment (ICAS 2023)
- 1 Distinction
- 4 Credit
- 1 Merit
EPIC-STEM Symposium
- Best Poster Award
The Science department also leads in developing knowledge and skills of applied learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through the Applied Learning Programme in aerospace and aviation