Singapore Youth Flying Club

Teacher in Charge:
Mrs Joyce Leung (IC)
Mr Rishvinder Singh (2IC)
Mrs Beatrice Te
Ms Cheryl Cheong
Mr Hong Kam Kheun
Training time & venue:
Tuesdays, 1530 - 1800 (ALP Room & Computer Lab 1)
Thursday, 1530 - 1800 (ALP Room & Computer Lab 1)
CCA Objectives
To promote aviation and fuel their strong passion for flying in Changkateers
To nurture Self-Directed Learners who are critical and inventive thinkers
To develop Confident Persons who will pursue their dreams
To mould effective communicators through opportunities to guide junior members during CCA sessions and in competition presentations

Key programmes
Flight Simulation Training (X Plane 11)
Designing, Building and Testing of Unpowered Glider Models
Flying of Control Line Model Aircraft
Drone Soccer
Drone Swarming and Programming
Participation in Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition (SAFMC)
Participation in Drone Odyssey Challenge (DOC)
Participation in SYFC Inter-School Aeromodelling Competition
Learning Journeys to STEM Industries and Institutes of Higher Learning
Additional STEM-related activities (Stargazing, Beta-Testing of Smart Nation PlayScape)

CCA Achievements
SYFC CCA Excellence Award 2025
Drone Odyssey Challenge 2024 Category C1 Drone Swarming
Best Presentation Award - 1st Place
Best Knowledge Award – 3rd Place
SYFC Inter-School Aeromodelling Competition 2023 Control Line Category
Champion, 1st Runner-Up and 2nd Runner-Up
Singapore Amazing Flying Machine Competition 2022 Cat B Unpowered Glider
2nd Place for Best Presentation
3rd Place for Most Creative and Aesthetic Award
SYFC members who attend the SWIFT (SYFC Work-up and Introduction to Flight Training) course have consistently been ranked among the top four in the course.

Collaborate with Partners
SYFC students were given the opportunity to be Rolls-Royce Ambassadors at the Singapore Airshow.
Temasek Polytechnic (TP)
Heart of Aviation Workshop to expose students to Aviation courses in TP.
Victoria School
Yearly inter-school collaboration for our Fly High Carnival, aimed at exposing primary school students to aviation.
Changkat Primary School
Opportunities for SYFC members to share their passion for aviation with primary school students.